

Personal Data and Assessment Results

We cannot control an individual's daily life choices about right and wrong.

But we can show evidence of how much he or she knows about right and wrong.

"Ethics are the ancient rules of conduct which help create success in one's workplace and personal life. Ethics is what makes all good things possible."

To this end, Ethics Solutions® offers you a range of personal data and assessment results.

Each individual and organization has their own unique set of needs for data.

To meet your needs, Ethics Solutions offers assessment results in three forms. The first is...

The Individual's Report

The Individual's Report is the simplest of the three.

This report is a free automatic download sent by email to the individual immediately when the assessment is completed. The person receives a report containing:


Assessment title

Points scored

Total points possible

Total score, by percent

Duration—length of time spent taking the assessment

Start time, by date and time

Finish time, by date and time

Explanation of scoring bands—Proficient, Intermediate, Excellent

For scores of 70% or above, the ES Certificate of Completion

Certificate of Completion

8 x 10 Certificate

Scoring Band Explanation

Scoring 70-79% Proficient
The individual has a basic knowledge of ethics necessary to get by in the workplace and in one's personal life. Ethics Solutions® believes a score of 70% is significantly better than the understanding of the general public.

Scoring 80-89% Intermediate
Means skilled at ethical thinking. Ethics Solutions believes a score of 80% indicates a higher knowledge of ethics necessary to be successful in the workplace and in one's personal life. We believe this level to be far better than the understanding of the general public.

Scoring 90-100% Excellent
Unusually skilled at ethical thinking. Ethics Solutions believes 90% means the person has a vastly higher knowledge of ethics than that of the general public, and probably has a huge advantage over others in the workplace and personal life.

The Manager's Report

The Manager's Report is for managers or leaders of a firm or group, who want more information about those taking the assessment. It is a free automatic download sent by email immediately after the assessment is completed. The manager receives a report containing:

Person's name

Person's employee number

Company name

Department or group

IP Address (from where the assessment was taken)

Assessment title

Points scored

Total points possible

Person's total score, by percent

Duration—length of time spent taking the assessment

Start time, by date and time

Finish time, by date and time

Explanation of scoring bands—Proficient, Intermediate, Excellent

For scores of 70% or above, a Certificate of Completion

Email address of the individual taking the assessment (tells manager where the certificate was sent)

Access Code (login code supplied to manager by Ethics Solutions, and passed along by the manager to the individual)

Number of the assessment taken (first, second or third)

Most recent three employers, city, state

Highest level of schooling

Military service, if any

Raised primarily by parent, relative or guardian

Previous education in ethics (years and source of education)

Sample of a portion of enhanced report showing company name and names of those taking assessment and scores

The Enhanced Report

The Enhanced Report is an Excel spreadsheet for the manager or leader of a group.

The spreadsheet is a download sent by email to the manager, at an extra charge of $29.95 per download.

The Enhanced Report is ordered with a phone call to Ethics Solutions.

The report is a compilation of all the data in the manager's reports for each assessment taken, listed by name.

Copyright © 2024, Ethics Solutions® | P.O. Box 84900, Phoenix, AZ 85071 | 877-226-1263 | A Proud U.S. Company